Peer-reviewed journal articles
Select peer-reviewed journal articles
Durvasula, R.S., & Halkitis, P.N. (2017). Delineating the Interplay of Personality Disorders and Health. Behavioral Medicine. 43 (3), 151-155.
Minnick, A., Cachelin, F., & Durvasula, R.S. (2017). Comorbid Personality Disorders among Latinas with Eating Disorders. Behavioral Medicine. 43 (3). 200-207.
Regan, P.C., & Durvasula, R.S. (2016). A Brief Review of Intimate Partner Violence in the United States: Nature, Correlates, and Proposed Preventative Measures. Interpersona. An International Journal on Personal Relationships. 9 (2), 127-134.
Durvasula, R.S. & Regan, P.C. (2015). Personality and Sexual Risk in HIV-Positive Gay Men. Proceedings of the International Conference on Cognitive and Behavioral Psychology, Singapore.
Sayegh, P., Thames, A.D., Thaler, N., Arentoft, A., Schonfeld, D., Castellon, S. Durvasula, R.S. Hinkin, C.H. (2014). Medication adherence and aging in HIV-positive African Americans: The roles of health beliefs and sensation-seeking. Cultural Diversity and Mental Health
Durvasula, R.S. (2014). HIV/AIDS in Older Women: Unique Challenges, Unmet Needs: Behavioral Medicine
Durvasula, R.S. & Miller, T. (2014). Substance Abuse Treatment in Persons with HIV/AIDS: Challenges in Managing Triple Diagnosis. Behavioral Medicine.
Chrisler, J., de las Fuentes, D., Durvasula, R.S., Esnil, E., McHugh, M., Miles-Cohen, S., Williams, J., & Wisdom, J. (2013). The American Psychological Association Committee on Women in Psychology: Forty Years of Contributions to the Transformation of Psychology. Psychology of Women Quarterly.
Ettenhofer, M.L., Hinkin, C.H., Castellon, S.A., Durvasula, R.S., Ullman, J., Myers, H.F., Wright, M., & Foley, J. (2013). Aging, Neurocognition and Medication Adherence in HIV Infection. Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry.
Regan, P.C. & Durvasula, R.S. (2008). Predictors of breast cancer screening in Asian and Latina university students. College Student Journal. 42 (4), 1152-1161.
Durvasula, R.S. (2008). Alcohol use and neuropsychological performance in persons with HIV/AIDS. International Journal of Disability and Human Development, 6(4), 417-429.
Hinkin, C.H., Barclay, T.R., Castellon, S.A., Levine, A.J., Durvasula, R.S., Marion, S.D., Myers, H.F. & Longshore, D. (2007). Drug use and medication adherence among HIV-1 infected individuals. AIDS & Behavior, 11, 185-194.
Reinhard, M. J., Hinkin, C. H., Barclay, T. R., Levine, A. J., Marion, S., Castellon, S. A., Longshore, D., Newton, T., Durvasula, R. S., Lam, M. N., & Myers, H. (2007). Discrepancies between self-report and objective measures for stimulant drug use in HIV: Cognitive, medication adherence, and psychological correlates. Addictive Behaviors, 32, 2727-2736.
Durvasula, R.S., Regan, P.C., Ureno, O.*, & Howell, L.A.* (2008). Predictors of cervical cancer screening in Asian and Latina university students. College Student Journal. 42 (2), 243-253.
Durvasula, R.S. & Hinkin, C.H. (2006). Neuropsychological Dysfunction among HIV Infected Drug Abusers. American Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2, 67-73.
Barclay, T. R., Hinkin, C. H. Castellon, S.A., Mason, K. I., Reinhard, M. J., Marion, S. D., Levine, A. J., & Durvasula, R.S. (2007). Age-associated predictors of medication adherence in HIV-positive adults: Health beliefs
Durvasula, R.S., Regan, P.C., Ureno, O.*, & Howell, L.* (2006). Frequency of cervical and breast cancer screening rates in a multi-ethnic female college sample. Psychological Reports. 99, 418-420.
Durvasula, R.S., Myers, H.F., Mason, K.I., & Hinkin, C. (2006). Relationship between alcohol use/abuse, HIV infection and neuropsychological performance in African American men. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 28 (3), 383-404.
Levine, A., Hinkin, C.H., Castellon, S.A., Mason, K.I., Lam, M.N., Perkins, A.*, Robinet, M., Longshore, D., Newton, T., Myers, H., Durvasula, R.S., & Hardy, D.J. (2005). Variations in patterns of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) Adherence. AIDS and Behavior, 9 (3), 355-362.
Levine, A., Hinkin, C, Marion, S., Keuning, A., Castellon, S., Lam, M., Robinet, M., Longshore, D., Newton, T., Myers, H., & Durvasula, R. (2006). Adherence to antiretroviral medications in HIV: differences in data collected via self-report and electronic monitoring. Health Psychology. 25 (3), 329-335.
Regan, P.C., Durvasula, R., Howell, L.*, Ureno, O.*, & Rea, M.* (2004). Gender, ethnicity, and the developmental timing of first sexual and romantic experiences, Social Behavior and Personality, 32 (7), 667-676.
Hinkin, C.H., Hardy, D.J., Mason, K.I., Castellon, S.A., Durvasula, R.S., Lam, M.N., Stefaniak, M. (2004). Medication adherence in HIV infected adults: Effect of patient age, cognitive status, and substance abuse. AIDS. 17, S1-S7.
Durvasula, R.S., & Ashing-Giwa, K. (2002). The relevance of theoretical models of HIV prevention and intervention: Lessons learned from African American women. Psychological Foundations: The Journal.
Hinkin, CH, Castellon, S.A., Durvasula, R.S., Hardy, D.J., Lam, M.N., Mason, K.I., Thrasher, D., Goetz, M.B., & Stefaniak, M. (2002). Medication adherence among HIV+ adults: Effects of cognitive dysfunction and regimen complexity. Neurology, 59, 1-6.
Durvasula, R.S., Miller, E.N., Myers, H.F., & Wyatt, G.E. (2001). Predictors of neuropsychological performance in HIV positive women. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology. 23, (2), 149-164.
Axelrod, J., Myers, H.F., Durvasula, R.S. & Wyatt, G.E. (1999). Impact of relationship violence, ethnicity and HIV on adjustment in women. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 5(3), 263-275.
Myers, H.F. & Durvasula, R.S. (1999). Psychiatric and substance abuse disorders in African American men and women living with HIV/AIDS. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 5 (3), 249-262.
Durvasula, R.S., Myers, H.F., Satz, P., Miller, E.N., Morgenstern, H., Richardson, M.A., Evans, G., & Forney, D. (2000). HIV-1, cocaine, and neuropsychological performance in African American men. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society. 6, 322-335.
Wyatt, G.E., Durvasula, R.S., Guthrie, D., LeFranc, E., Forge, N.G. (1999). Correlates of age at first intercourse among women in Jamaica. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 28, (2) 139-157.
Kagawa-Singer, M. Wellisch, D., & Durvasula, R.S. (1997). Impact of breast cancer on Asian- and Anglo-American Women, Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry, 21, 449-480
Durvasula, R.S., Satz, P., Hinkin, C.H., Morgenstern, H., Miller, E.N., Jin, S., Sorenson, D., van Gorp, W.G., Visscher, B.R., & Mitchell, M. (1995). Does practice make perfect? Results of a six year longitudinal study with semi-annual testing. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 11, 386.
Hinkin, C.H., van Gorp, W.G., Satz, P., Marcotte, T., Durvasula, R.S., Wood, S., Campbell, L., Baluda, M.R. (1996). Actual versus self-reported cognitive dysfunction in HIV-1 infection: Memory-metamemory dissociations. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 18 (3), 431-443.
Durvasula, R.S. & Sue, S. (1995). Severity of psychiatric disorder in Asian and White outpatients. Cultural Diversity and Mental Health, 2, 43-51.
Durvasula, R.S. & Mylvaganam, G. (1994). Mental health of Asian Indians: Relevant issues and community implications. Journal of Community Psychology, 22, 97-108.
Book chapters and other published manuscripts
Book chapters
Durvasula, R.S. & Miller, T. (2013) Management of substance abuse treatment in HIV care. HIV Specialist. 5 (4), 26-29.
Durvasula, R.S. (2008). Alcohol and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. In Alcohol Related Cognitive Disorders. Etiology, Pathogenesis, Clinical Manifestation, Treatment and Prevention. (Eds. Sher, L., Kandel, I., & Merrick, J.). International Academic Press: Victoria, BC.
Durvasula, R.S., Malow, R., & Norman, L. (2009). Current Perspectives on the Neuropsychology of HIV. In Globalization of HIV/AIDS: An Interdisciplinary Reader (Eds. Pope, C., White, R. & Malow, R.). Routledge.
Durvasula, R.S., & Regan, P.C. (2006). Style and substance: Tips for a better job talk. APS Observer.
Durvasula, R.S. (2004) Book Review of Women and HIV: The forgotten epidemic. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 28 (2).
Hinkin, C.H., Castellon, S.A., & Durvasula, R.S. (2003). Medication adherence among HIV+ adults: Effects of cognitive dysfunction and regimen complexity: Reply (Letter), Neurology, 61 (5), 724.
Durvasula, R.S. (1998). Book Review of The Sikh Diaspora: Tradition and Change in an Immigrant Community. Amerasia Journal.
Wyatt, G.E., Myers, H.F., Ashing-Giwa, K., & Durvasula, R.S. (1998). Sociocultural factors affecting sexual risk taking in African American men and women: Results from two empirical studies. In R. Staples (Ed.), The Black Family: Essays & Studies (6th edition).
Keefe, K., Sue, S., Enomoto, K., Durvasula, R., & Chao, R. (1995). Asian-American and White college students’ performance on the MMPI-2. In Handbook of International MMPI-2 Research.